Endrpi can be installed by installing the endrpi
package or by downloading the source code from Github®.
For more information about running Endrpi, see Running the Server.
Endrpi is available as a pip
package which provides the endrpi
1. Install the endrpi package#
pip3 install -U endrpi
2. Run the endrpi command#
Source Code#
Endrpi can be installed and run directly from source code.
Option One: Git clone#
1. Clone the main branch of Endrpi#
git clone
2. Change directory to the Endrpi root#
cd endrpi-server
3. Install dependencies#
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
4. Run the server#
python3 endrpi/
Option Two: Tarball#
1. Download the tarball using curl#
curl -o endrpi-server.tar.gz
2. Un-tar the tarball#
tar -xzf endrpi-server.tar.gz
3. Change directory to the endrpi root#
cd endrpi-server
4. Install dependencies#
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
5. Run the server#
python3 endrpi/